Painted On Jeans

$25.00 Double Fan


Painted On Jeans

(Rich 2015) Tet, Sev, Mid - Late, 6" bloom, 34" tall, 3 to 5 way branching, 16 - 24 buds, Fragrant
The flowers of PAINTED ON JEANS have a clear rose-pink base with a vivid blue-violet patterned eye and edge. PAINTED ON JEANS begins blooming mid season and continues through the late season with 3 to 5 way branching and 16 - 24 buds. Foliage is nicely arched remaining attractive into late fall. Beautiful in the garden and easily fertile both ways for the hybridizer.
Point of Divergence X Blue Eyes Glance

Contact Info

Holdn' Heaven Daylily Garden
Charmaine Rich
1383 Quail John Road
East Thetford, Vermont 05043

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