Whisper of the Waves

$80.00 Double Fan


Whisper of the Waves

(Rich 2022) Sculpted pleated, Tet, Dor, Mid, 6" bloom, 36" tall, 4 & 5 way branching, 20 - 26 buds, very fragrant, EMO
A ruffled bitone with lavender pink petals and light pink sepals. The pleated cream pink watermark flows into a yellow to green throat. Tall 36" scapes with wide 4 & 5 way branching carry 20 to 26 buds filling the garden with blooms from mid through the late seasons. An early morning opener, WHISPER OF THE WAVES is easily fertile both ways. Delta Phase X ((Let Go Laughing x Imperial Decree) x (Hogwarts Express x Sigourney))

Contact Info

Holdn' Heaven Daylily Garden
Charmaine Rich
1383 Quail John Road
East Thetford, Vermont 05043

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